disorganise|disorganised|disorganises|disorganising in English

verb disorganise (Brit.)

disrupt, upset, disarrange, disorder (also disorganize)

Use "disorganise|disorganised|disorganises|disorganising" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disorganise|disorganised|disorganises|disorganising" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disorganise|disorganised|disorganises|disorganising", or refer to the context using the word "disorganise|disorganised|disorganises|disorganising" in the English Dictionary.

1. My boss is completely disorganised.

2. 3 My boss is completely disorganised.

3. 1 The troops were dispirited and disorganised.

4. 11 The troops were dispirited and disorganised.

5. 2 The train schedule was disorganised by heavy snow - storms.

6. The train schedule was disorganised by heavy snow - storms.

7. The other is that the book is a bit repetitive and disorganised.

8. 4 He believes their disorganised state is turning off more and more prospective students.

9. I think that man has a spite against us, he is always trying to disorganise our plans.

10. However, they were put off by his rambling and disorganised sermon.

11. Make a show of fleeing, panicky and disorganised, like a whaler might.

12. 9 However, they were put off by his rambling and disorganised sermon.

13. 30 A report by the state prosecutor described the police action as confused and disorganised.

14. 7 A report by the state prosecutor described the police action as confused and disorganised.

15. He believes their disorganised state is turning off more and more prospective students.

16. 6 I think that man has a spite against us, he is always trying to disorganise our plans.

17. The practice of criminal psychological profiling makes frequent appeal to Ataxonomic distinction between organised and disorganised offenders

18. A report by the state prosecutor described the police action as confused and disorganised.

19. Psychology Definition of Cachinnation: Unrestrained and inappropraite laughter observed in people suffering from disorganised schizophrenia.

20. 10 Mr de Klerk's people say the Congress is dragging its feet because it is too disorganised to talk.

21. The new government provoked widespread rebellion by instituting a series of far-reaching reforms in a brutal and disorganised manner.

22. Mr de Klerk's people say the Congress is dragging its feet because it is too disorganised to talk.

23. Approaching the Allied fleet in the crowded Straits, the Persians appear to have become disorganised and cramped in the narrow waters.

24. Does a disorganised clothing industry with little commercial interest in quality simply reflect our own limited needs and aspirations?

25. 5 Does a disorganised clothing industry with little commercial interest in quality simply reflect our own limited needs and aspirations?